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Additional Robbery Charges Laid In St. Paul’s Robbery

23 Dec, 2023Admin

The Police have laid an additional Robbery charge against twenty-four (24)-year-old Jehu Kelly of Rawlins Ground, Nevis, for the criminal offence committed on July 7th, 2023, at Lover’s Lane, St. Paul’s, St. Kitts. Mr Kelly was previously charged with five (5) counts of Robbery; four (4) of which were in connection to the incident in St. Paul’s, and one (1) that was in connection to a robbery committed in Old Road, St. Kitts, on March 11th, 2023. 

Twenty-nine (29)-year-old Leshon ‘Big Worm’ Freeman of Gingerland, Nevis, also received an additional charge for the offence of Robbery, as committed on July 7th, 2023, at Lover’s Lane, St. Paul’s. Mr Freeman had been previously charged with four (4) counts of Robbery in connection to the same incident. 

The additional charges were laid against Mr Kelly and Mr Freeman on December 22nd, 2023, at the Basseterre Police Station.