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Khalid Vanterpool Fined & Sentenced Six Years

08 Nov, 2024Admin

Khalid Vanterpool was sentenced to six (6) years at His Majesty’s Prison for the offense of “Unlawful Wounding” after being found guilty by jury. The charge stems from an incident on May 12th, 2018, at LaGuerite Village, St. Kitts, in which Carl Hobson, also of LaGuerite, was seriously injured.


In addition to his sentence, Mr Vanterpool was fined EC $200,000 (two hundred thousand dollars) that must be paid to the complainant within one year, in default of which he will serve an additional year in prison. Time on remand will count towards his sentence, and he will eligible for one-third early remission with good behavior. His sentence was handed down by His Lordship Justice Iain Morley KC on November 7th, 2024, at the High Court in Basseterre, St. Kitts.


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