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Traffic Court Convictions 

23 Aug, 2024Admin

Basseterre, St. Kitts, August 24, 2024.  At a sitting of the Basseterre Magiatrate Court on Friday  23rd August 2024, presided over by his Honor, Mr. Reynold Benjamin, several traffic-related cases were heard and disposed. The following convictions were recorded:

1. Vinett Tyrel of St. Peters
   - Offence:Failing to comply with a traffic sign 
   - Outcome:Convicted and fined $100.00 forthwith or 10 days imprisonment.  

2. Mary Collins of Ponds Extension
   - Offence: Driving with a child without a seatbelt  
   - Outcome: Convicted and fined $750.00 forthwith or 14 days imprisonment.  

3. Astan Richards of Cayon
   - Offence: Driving without due care and attention.  
   - Outcome: Convicted and fined $1,000.00 payable within 14 days or 1 month imprisonment.  

In addition, sixteen (16) ticket matters were withdrawn upon proof of payment, and eleven (11) other matters were adjourned to later dates.

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force remains committed to enforcing traffic regulations and ensuring the safety of all road users. We thank the public for their continued cooperation.