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Statement On The Continuity Of Community Engagement Initiatives

11 May, 2023Admin

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force (RSCNPF) is aware of a ludicrous allegation circulating concerning the status of the Explorer’s Club (EC). The Force staunchly refutes the absurdity and decries the malicious mind responsible for crafting such nonsense. 

The RSCNPF has most recently launched an overarching organisation improvement strategy. The plan is aimed at elevating the standard of policing nationwide. To this end, citizens and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis will readily observe positive changes in  the types and styles of the Force’s community policing operations in the coming months. One such new community policing initiative that has been in progress for approximately two (2) weeks is the distribution of brochures at traffic stops and vehicle checkpoints. The brochures are printed with vital general safety and traffic tips from which everyone can benefit. Thus far, the initiative has been exceptionally well received by the public and hailed as a welcome change in police-civilian relations. 

Under the leadership of Commissioner of Police James Sutton, community policing and engagement is receiving keen attention as its status is pivotal to the overall success of the Force’s operations. In order to strengthen law enforcement operations and improve community policing and engagement, all areas of society must be adequately attended to. The Explorer’s Club is a crucial aspect of community policing and engagement as it caters to our youth. By its very definition, the continued function of the Club is a given. 
The RSCNPF is discouraging the public from engaging in the creation and dissemination of blatant malarkey. Such false sentiments are intended to manipulate negative reactions from the general public. Persons should remember that free speech brings in tow a personal, professional, and a legal responsibility for the actions engendered by carelessly typed or spoken words. For this reason, the Force continues to encourage persons to seek legal and healthy outlets via which they can resolve conflicts and free themselves of life’s occasional frustrations.